Susa B gorilla familyThe Susa B gorilla group also known as Karisimbi group is one of the loveliest gorilla families in Volcanoes National Park. The Susa B group broke away from the Susa A gorilla group family in 2009. This group takes its name from Mount Karisimbi where it ranges right at its slopes.
Karisimbi (Susa B) group is led by Nyagakangaga silverback gorilla. Nyagakangaga went away with about 13 members of the Susa A group. They included adult females and babies. The Susa B changed its name to the present Karisimbi group in 2010. A composition of 11 mountain gorillas survives within the Karisimbi B group. The group currently consists of four silverback gorillas, an adult female, two infants, and a blackback gorilla.
The beauty of the Karisimbi/Susa B group is that it is possible to have a combined gorilla trek and Karisimbi Volcano hiking adventure. But some fitness level is required since the Karisimbi Volcano hike takes at least 2 days. Equally, exploring the Susa B group also requires you to be physically fit.

How many people can trek the Karisimbi/Susa B group?

A maximum of 8 (eight) people are allowed to trek Karisimbi/Susa B gorilla group. The gorilla treks are done only once each day and visitors begin their journey from Kinigi with a briefing about gorilla trekking regulations.

How many gorilla permits are available for the Karisimbi/Susa B group?

A total of about 8 gorilla permits can be booked for the Karisimbi group alone. Each of the Rwanda gorilla permits is issued to guests at USD 1500 per person. With a valid gorilla permit at hand, you get a chance to embark on a trek to explore the Susa B group.

How to book Karisimbi permits

Gorilla permits for the Susa B group can be booked at ease through a reliable tour operator on the ground. Contact Maranatha Tours and Travel to book your valid gorilla permit and also to plan the entire Rwanda gorilla tour. Talk to the reservation team via our active email:

When to book a gorilla tour to explore the Karisimbi/Susa B group?

Booking a gorilla tour to explore the Susa B group in Volcanoes National Park should be done early at least 2-4 months. This includes booking a valid gorilla permit. Contact Us via to book your gorilla tour.

What to pack for the gorilla trip

Karisimbi Gorilla FamilyIf you plan to visit Rwanda to explore the Karisimbi gorilla group then consider packing right for your trip. The essentials to consider packing for your gorilla trip include gardening gloves, hiking boots,
a rain jacket, a sweater, long pants, bottled drinking water, a safari hat, insect repellents, high-energy giving snacks, trousers, long-sleeved shirts, and more.

Additional gorilla groups in Volcanoes National Park

Besides Susa B group, Volcanoes National Park also shelters several other habituated gorilla groups that can be visited for gorilla trekking. They include Agashya, Titus, Sabyinyo, Kwitonda, Susa A group, Amahoro, Umubano, Bwenge, Hirwa gorilla group, and Pablo.
Like Susa B (Karisimbi), all gorilla groups in Volcanoes National Park have distinct stories to share with the rest of the world. To have a deep understanding of mountain gorillas, a gorilla tour should be booked. On a gorilla tour in Rwanda, you get a chance to explore one of the habituated gorilla groups in Volcanoes National Park.

What is the leader of a gorilla group family called?

A silverback is a mature adult male gorilla and is the name given to the leader of a gorilla group. Silverback gorillas are huge and can easily be noticed by the gray-like hair on their backs.

How many females are in a gorilla group family?

Karisimbi Gorilla FamilyThe number of females in a single gorilla family does vary. Overall, these apes live in groups/families. In a single gorilla group family, there can be many females about 3 to 6 individuals. Accompanying adult females and males, there can be several offspring often spotted while they are playing.
The entire gorilla family can comprise 10 members or even 50 individuals. The bond between the silverback gorilla and its other members usually forms the basis of the gorilla’s social life. Females do not have specific terms like males often referred to as silverbacks.

The best time to visit the Susa B gorilla group in Rwanda

The Susa B (Karisimbi) group can be visited at any time of the year but the dry season is the best time for you to experience the most of this group. In a year, the dry season occurs only twice with long dry months running from June, July, August to September then December, January to February.
Gorilla trips can also be arranged around the wet or off-season and you can explore Karisimbi group in Volcanoes National Park. The long off/wet season occurs from March, April, and May, while short wet months begin from October to November.

Where to stay in and around Volcanoes National Park Rwanda

Where to Sleep in Volcanoes ParkVisitors on a gorilla trekking safari to explore Susa B/Karisimbi group in Volcanoes National Park can choose a place to stay from the different options. The available options include budget, midrange, and luxury. The luxury lodges in and around Volcanoes National Game Park include the Wilderness Bisate Lodge, One&Only Gorilla’s Nest Lodge, Virunga Lodge, Five Volcanoes Boutique Hotel, Amakoro Songa Lodge, Singita Kwitonda Lodge, and Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge.
Midrange lodges to book on the Rwanda gorilla trip in Volcanoes National Park include Da Vinci Gorilla Lodge, La Palme Hotel, Garr Hotel, and more.
Budget lodges consist of Kinigi Guesthouse, Amajoro Guesthouse, Fatima Hotel Kinigi, Red Rocks Rwanda Campsite, Hotel Muhabura, Faraja Hotel Musanza and more.

How to get to Volcanoes National Park Rwanda

To explore the Susa B group in Rwanda, visitors must pay a visit to Volcanoes National Park. Getting to Volcanoes National Park is possible by road or air. By road, you only need 2-3 hours to drive to the park in a comfortable 4×4 safari vehicle starting from Kigali capital.
From Uganda, especially around Kabale/Kisoro or Bwindi/Mgahinga National Park, travelers can easily connect to Volcanoes National Park. This includes driving via the Katuna or Chanika border.
By air, fly from Kigali Airport up to Ruhengeri Airport then connect by road to the lodge to engage in your gorilla trek.

Conclusively, the Susa B group (Karisimbi) is a one-of-a-kind gorilla family you should expect to visit on gorilla safaris in Volcanoes National Park. Visiting the Susa B group allows you to explore their behaviors, group size (composition), leadership, etc. Above all, expect a great photography moment with a Susa B group right in its natural environment.