Gorilla Habituation Experience in Uganda

Gorilla Habituation Experience in Uganda 2022 Ultimate Guide

Gorilla Habituation Experience is mainly about spending more quality time in the presence of the endangered mountain gorillas in one of their popular natural habitats – Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. This outstanding experience is only conducted at the southern sector of Rushaga, with exceptional trailheads (starting points) than standard gorilla treks.

The most thrilling and unforgettable part of this experience is creating way through the dense jungle and finally making contact with the mountain gorillas in addition to learning how the Ranger guides identify gorilla tracks (such as establishing their nests) and the final icing on the cake being “four hours spent in their presence”.

Before gorilla groups are finally opened for trekking, they are subjected to 2-3 years of Habituation process to make them accustomed and less nervous around humans. This process is fundamental and mandatorily done in all Gorilla Parks by a team of researchers, conservationists, trackers and Rangers. Uganda offers visitors the opportunity to visit these groups still undergoing training through the “Gorilla Habituation Experience?

How is the Gorilla Habituation Experience done in Bwindi Impenetrable Park?

For the extraordinary Gorilla Habituation Experience, participants (visitors) have to be at the different trailheads by 7:00am (a bit earlier than standard treks). The hiking trail used through the forest largely depends on there the beautiful creatures were the previous day. There are two main options used and these include; using the routes that lead into the forest or passing via the verdant tea plantations or cultivated farms along the forest boundary.

On venturing into the densely forested Bwindi is when you will understand why it is referred as “impenetrable”, as there are hardly any existing trails but instead have to be created by Rangers with machetes to make it possible to maneuver through the jungle. The gorilla habituation experience is generally sluggish but undoubtedly and exceedingly rewarding.

The Rangers attached to Uganda Wildlife Authority will properly explain to trekkers what to expect in the jungles while searching for the gorilla nests from the previous night. Given their wide knowledge and experience in conducting the activity, these Rangers understand the Great Apes more than anyone else to the point of identifying individuals in the group that seemingly look similar. Interestingly, the guide can even tell you where each member of the gorilla group/family slept based on the size of nest, hairs left behind.

Once the mountain gorilla nest is located, it will take another 30 minutes to one hour to finally make contact with the mountain gorillas. In total expect 5 hours or more to find the gorilla group but on making contact, you will realize that members of the gorilla group are more nervous around people (than the ones you will encounter during standard gorilla treks).

Gorilla Habituation Experience

A ranger recording notes during gorilla habituation experience

Expect several mock charges from the dominant silverback, playful infants, juveniles grooming and many other interesting activities. You will have up to four hours with the gorilla group and for Rushaga, the experience is done for Bikingi group. Unlike standard gorilla treks where the limited to visitors is limited to eight, the limit for this Experience is four persons.

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Things to carry or pack for the Gorilla Habituation Experience in Uganda

The Gorilla Habituation Experience is clearly more difficult than standard gorilla treks as participants will be jumping Rivers/streams, hiking steep and misty mountain slopes as well as immersing and diving from thick vegetation in all directions.

Extremely crucial are sturdy and well-fitting hiking boots with enough ankle support, first aid kit, gardening gloves, breathable and light-weight safari pants, insect repellant, long sleeved shirts, gaiters, rain jacket, waterproof backpack with enough space to carry things needed for the experience and a good hat.

Don’t forget your camera to capture all the eye-catching moments of the experience, water bottle, sunglasses, binoculars, toiletries, energy giving snacks and on the day of the experience carry a lunch box and walking stick among others.

Price and how to get Gorilla Habituation permits in Uganda

For as little as $1500 per person per trek, you will secure a permit for the Gorilla Habituation Experience and since the activity is only done in Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, there is usually high demand for the permits thus booking at least 6 months in advance would ensure certainty and proper planning. These permits are only issued by Uganda Wildlife Authority although can also be acquired via a trusted Tour Operator such as Maranatha Tours and Travel.

When is the ideal time to undertake the Gorilla Habituation Experience in Uganda?

There is no better time to undertake the Gorilla Habituation Experience in Uganda because the activity is done all year round. Generally, the temperatures of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park oscillate between 20 and 25˚C for the entire year with two prominent seasons.

The dry season appears twice a year-June to August as well as December to February marked by little or no rains hence drier routes/trails and forest floor in addition to vegetation being more open. This is the most ideal time for this experience but don’t be surprised to receive showers (given the dense vegetation and altitude of the Park).

The wet season also comes twice a year-March to May and October to November with heaviest rains and visitors normally avoid these months because forest floor and routes become wet, slippery and uncomfortable. However, these months come along with best backdrops for photography. The showers clear the air of any dust thus creating some of the most beautiful and clear pictures you will ever take for Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.

Fantabulous places to stay during the Gorilla Habituation Experience in Uganda

There are undeniably various places to stay in Bwindi but the ones you select for this Experience should be based in Rushaga sector for convenience and easy accessibility. Choose Gorilla Safari Lodge, Nshongi Camp, Rushaga Gorilla Lodge, Four Gorillas Lodge, Rushaga Gorilla Camp, Ichumbi Gorilla Lodge, Chameleon Hill Lodge, Rushaga Gorilla Haven Lodge, Gorilla Valley Lodge and many others.

How to reach the popular Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

The incredible Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is situated within the south-western side of Uganda and accessible in two ways-air and road. For the latter, be prepared for 8-9 hours’ drive from Entebbe or Kampala with different stopovers and en-route safari destinations such as Lake Mburo National Park as well as out-of-this-World views.

For visitors who wish to fight shy of the long distance trip can opt for the flight from Entebbe International Airport or Kajjansi Airstrip to Kisoro Airstrip then connect to Rushaga sector by a 2-hour road transfer.