Rwanda gorilla familiesDiscover everything about the Kwitonda gorilla group one of the best gorilla families worth trekking on the Rwanda gorilla tour. Learn in-depth about the size/composition of Kwitonda gorilla family, formation (history), leadership, where to trek, when to trek, where to stay, and getting there to explore this gorilla family.

The Kwitonda gorilla family takes its name from the Kwitonda silverback. History has it that the Kwitonda group once crossed from the Virunga National Park in Congo to the Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda. Later, with their leader, they settled around the Virunga Volcanoes; Sabyinyo, and Gahinga Volcanoes. They crossed to Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park around 2003 and the main reason for this was to escape pressure from the rest of the gorilla families in the Virunga National Park.

Originally, Kwitonda was formed in 1995 in the Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Kwitonda Silverback was once a solitary male before he joined the Rugabo gorilla family. But when Rugabo died, Kwitonda grabbed some of Rugabo’s members to form his group. Kwitonda occupied the slopes of Sabinyo and Gahinga Volcanoes. In 2012, Kwitonda also died due to old age, and currently, the group is led by Akarevuro silverback gorilla.

Akarevuro engaged in a fight with other sub-dominant silverbacks including Kigoma and Magumu but he later won. Today, Akarevuro Silverback leads a group of 25 members that make up the Kwitonda gorilla family.

Kwitonda has a record of moving and sometimes wanders around the Karisimbi and Muhabura slopes. These are some of the most challenging areas to trek through and are characterized by dense forest cover.

Trekking the Kwitonda gorilla group in Rwanda

Rwanda gorilla groupsA gorilla tour must be planned and booked if you are to trek Kwitonda gorilla family. Your local expert –Maranatha Tours and Travel is in better position to assist you plan and booking the best gorilla safari in Rwanda and beyond.

Gorilla permits are a must for trekking the Kwitonda gorilla family in Rwanda. Each permit costs USD 1500 per visitor, and treks are conducted only once a day.

Gorilla permits should be secured in advance at least 2-6 months before the actual visit to see mountain gorillas in the wild. Talk to the expert to book your gorilla tour in Rwanda at

What is the typical gorilla trek like?

A typical mountain gorilla trek with the Kwitonda gorilla group begins with visitors assembling at Kinigi offices. This is where you will clear with the park authorities and then join others for a briefing about gorilla trekking rules. After getting to know the set rules, the park official will assign each group of 8 visitors a family of gorillas to trek including the Kwitonda group.

The actual trekking with the Kwitonda gorilla family begins at around 8:00 am with the lead by an experienced park ranger guide.

How long is a gorilla trek?

Expect to spend at least 2-6 hours through the jungles as you search for the Kwitonda gorilla group or other family assigned to you by the park official. On locating the Kwitonda gorilla family, you can be allowed to spend a maximum of 1 (one) hour face-to-face with this group. This is the moment when you unearth every detail about mountain gorillas, their behaviors, and body gestures, and also maximize this period to take pictures.

When to travel to trek Kwitonda gorilla family

The best time to visit Rwanda to trek Kwitonda gorilla group is during the peak dry months of the year. This is from June, July, August, and September then December, January, and February. These are the peak dry months of the year characterized by low or rainfalls and they are the most preferred for gorilla trekking compared to the rest of the months.

Is it safe to visit Volcanoes National Park to trek Kwitonda gorilla family?

Volcanoes National Park is a safe and secure destination for all visitors with plans to trek Kwitonda gorilla family. The park is open for gorilla tourism all year round. There are park rangers who work together with other security agencies. The destination is generally safe and you can trek Kwitonda gorilla family return home without any issues. Plan and book your tour to explore the Kwitonda group with our reservation team for an unmatched gorilla trekking experience.

Who can trek Kwitonda gorilla family?

According to the standard gorilla trekking rules across gorilla destinations, only persons of 15 years and above are eligible to trek mountain gorillas. Not only does this principle apply to gorilla treks in Rwanda alone but also Uganda, and Congo.

What to pack for your Kwitonda gorilla group trekking tour

Only essentials should be included on your packing list for gorilla trekking. These include a waterproof daypack, long-sleeved shirts, long trousers, a sweater, bottled drinking water, a rain jacket, insect repellents, a pair of hiking gloves, a first aid kit, and more.

Best places to stay before or after trekking Kwitonda gorilla family

The available lodges to consider booking for a night stay in and around Volcanoes National Park include Sabyinyo Silverback Gorilla Lodge, Singita Kwitonda Lodge, Five Volcanoes Boutique Hotel, One&Only Gorilla’s Nest, Da Vinci Gorilla Lodge, Le Bambou Gorilla Lodge, Bisate Lodge, Amakoro Songa Lodge, Muhabura Hotel and Kinigi Guesthouse.

How to get there

Wondering how long it can take you to drive from Kigali to Volcanoes National Park? You only require 2-3 hours to drive to Volcanoes Park. A 4×4 wheel safari car is the most recommended rental car option for your smooth navigation to and from the park. Kigali