Mount Elgon National ParkMount Elgon National Park is a popular hiking safari destination in Uganda. It is the world’s largest volcanic base, measuring 85 kilometers. It is located in the eastern part of Uganda, covering the Bududa, budandali, manafwa, and Mbale districts, measuring 4,421 meters above sea level.

Mountain Elgon National Park was established in 1930 as a forest reserve by the Uganda Protectorate Administration which was later converted into a national park in 1993.

The best time to visit the park is December to March because there is less rain and less ice on the trails.

The Park is accessible from Kampala, the capital of Uganda, via a tarmac route that covers a distance of 255km within 5 hours.

Attractions in Mount Elgon National Park

 Mount Elgon; This beautiful mountain, which is the fourth highest in Africa, has a base area of 5,000 square kilometers making it the largest isolated volcano in Africa.  It is covered with a caldera which measures around 50 square kilometers.

Birds in the park; mountain elgon national park is among the few parks in Uganda with some of the beautiful birds. It has over 350 bird species and they include the following; black collared Apalis, lammergeyer, Jackson’s francolin.


Activities in Mount Elgon National Park 

Hiking Mount Elgon; one of the reasons you should visit Mountain Elgon National Park is to go hiking in the mountain. It takes 3-7 days to hike mountain elgon, and no there is no experience that is required. You may see some primates like blue monkeys, white colobus monkeys while hiking.

Birding; Mount Elgon National Park in Uganda is home to over 350 different bird species, so birding is an activity that you should not miss. Typically, you can go bird watching in the kapkwai forest and around the Chepturi Falls.

Accommodation in Mount Elgon National Park

 Mbale resort hotel (mid-range)

Kapkwai cottages(mid-range)

Noah’s ark hotel(budget)

Moses’ campsite(budget)