Uganda safarisPian Upe Game Reserve is one of the popular wildlife reserves in Uganda. Pian Upe is found in the Karamoja sub-region, Northeastern Uganda, and is the second biggest protected area with a land area coverage of 2788 It was officially designated game reserve status in 1964 and features diverse animal habitats including grassland and wood grassland.

Pian Upe Game Reserve is among the least visited destinations in Uganda yet features abundant wildlife worth sharing. The spectacular Pian Upe Reserve is home to diverse mammal and bird species worth exploring on your Uganda tours

What makes it Pian Upe a unique destination in Uganda?

Abundant Wildlife

Within Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve, there are several species of mammals to explore. This reserve protects diverse mammal species such as giraffes, oribis, elands, zebras, Jackson’s hartebeest, Uganda Kobs, waterbucks, topis, reedbucks, and more. The presence of roan antelopes makes the Pian Upe Game Reserve such a unique destination in Uganda.

Abundant bird species

Over 240 species of birds thrive in the diverse habitats in Pian Upe Game Reserve making it an ideal place to explore on a birding tour in Uganda. The diverse birds to identify in Pian Upe include the white-headed buffalo weavers, secretary bird, Abyssinian ground hornbills, northern carmine bee-eaters, black-breasted barbet, Kori bustards, and more.

Landscape of Pian Upe

Pian Upe Game reservePian Upe Game Reserve features two ecological zones, the Southern section which is dominated by grassland and wooded savanna. The other section is the Northern part largely comprised of semi-arid as well as acacia woodland and rocky outcrops. Pian Upe is drained by many seasonal rivers including Morunyang, Lopirpir, and Chepkararat.

Game viewing

Pian Upe Game Reserve is among the very few tourist destinations in Uganda that guarantee you exceptional game viewing experiences. It is an untapped destination which offers visitors a chance to encounter diversity of wildlife and birdlife. A game viewing tour in Pian Upe allows you to explore the rare and endemic animals including the roan antelopes, zebras, leopards, giraffes, dik-diks, buffaloes, greater kudus, and many others. This is best enjoyed on a guided game drive in a 4×4 rental car in Uganda.

Pian Upe is also home to abundant reptile species including puff adders, rock pythons, savanna monitor lizards and others.

Bird watching

Pian Upe Game ReserveIf you are looking for an enriching birding destination then Pian Upe should be a must-visit. With over 240 species of birds, Pian Upe Game Reserve is an outstanding bird watching destination any enthusiastic birder should consider a must to explore on Uganda safaris.

Some of the birds to expect to spot on bird watching expedition in Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve include ostriches, Karamoja apalis, fox weaver bird, superb starlings, Abyssinian ground hornbills, African eagles, secretary birds, African jacanas, white-headed buffalo weavers, Jackson’s hornbills, and more. Bird watching can be enjoyed in the morning or afternoon or while on guided game viewing/game drive.

Key areas of interest for bird watching in Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve include Savanna dominated areas where you can sight birds such as Karamoja apalis, ostriches, and secretary bird. Loporokocho swamp is most popular for its birds such as rufous chatterer, black-breasted barbet, white-bellied tit, and more.

The wooded area which offers the best sights of Jackson’s hornbill, superb starling, and Abyssinian ground hornbill.

Rocky outcrops –Kopjes –known for sighting birds like pygmy falcon and verreaux’s eagle. While areas like Cheposukunya hot springs are best for spotting the Purple Grenadier, Eastern Paradise Whydah, and others. The extension of Lake Opeta is ideal for sighting birds like Abyssinian scimitarbill, Abyssinian rollers and Eurasian Hoopoe, etc.

Essentials for bird watching expeditions include a pair of binoculars, walking or hiking boots, a camera plus extra batteries and others.

Nature walks

Guided nature walks are a great deal to explore Pian Upe Game Reserve on foot. With an experienced guide from Pian Upe, expect to explore the hard-to-reach sites while you search for different species. Nature walks are best done during the dry season when it is easier to navigate through the different habitats.

Community visits

Besides wildlife safaris inside Pian Upe Game Reserve, there is a chance to also engage in a guided community tours. This involves exploring the diverse traditions and cultures of the local people living in the adjacent communities to Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve. This game reserve is surrounded by the Kalenjin and Karamojong communities.


There is also an option of embarking on guided hiking adventures on the different mountains in and around Pian Upe Game Reserve. The must-visit Mountains to explore on guided hiking/climbing include Mount Kadam and Napak. Other sites include Napedet caverns which features paintings of wildlife including giraffes, baboons, hartebeest, and others.

Best time to visit Pian Upe Game Reserve

Pian Upe Game Reserve is an all-year-round destination but the most ideal period is during the dry months. This is around December to March, the perfect month to enjoy the best-guided game viewing experience in Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve.

The wet months are most favorable for birding and this is especially around June to early September. During the wet months, some migratory birds can be spotted and the majority of the resident birds begin breeding around this period.

Best places to stay in and around Pian Upe Game Reserve

Available places to consider for overnight stays in and around Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve include Uganda Wildlife Authority –UWA Bandas (Cottages), and Pian Upe Safari Lodge. You can also book a place to stay in around the Sipi Falls area including Sipi Home Away, Sipi Falls Lodge, and Rafiki Lodge Sipi, etc.

Getting to Pian Upe Game Reserve

By road, visitors can access Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve within 8-9 hours’ drive starting from Kampala via the Jinja-Mbale route. It is also possible to access Pian Upe from Mbale City or Moroto. The safest way to get there is by using a 4×4 safari car. By air, you can also take a flight from Entebbe Airport to Amudat airstrip or Kidepo Airfield where you can drive up to Pian Upe Game Reserve.